Revenge Bedtime Procrastination ADHD: What You Need to Know

Written by: Angeline T.



Time to read 5 min

     For those who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, sticking to the same sleep schedule can be more of a task than one might think. One concrete issue here is that of "revenge bedtime procrastination": people find it difficult to transition from evening activities to bed. This may kick off a vicious cycle in which bedtimes continue to get later and later, sleep becomes increasingly irregular, and daytime fatigue mounts, leading to ever-growing problems associated with ADHD.

An Overview of Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

     Revenge bedtime procrastination refers to the behavioral pattern whereby most people, especially those with hectic working jobs or personal lives, deliberately and voluntarily remain awake late into the night to sacrifice some sleep and give way to "me time" or do things one wishes and likes. Therein, "revenge" stands for efforts at recuperation of time and independence not found during the day.

     This generally seems to be very current in the millennial generation and young professionals, often succumbing to the overwhelming sense of constant needs of work, demands of family, and expectations of society. Blurred lines of demarcation between work life and personal life give most people little time for personal space during the day, rebelling against the busy schedule by sleeping late at night.

Underlying Causes and Impacts

     Revenge bedtime procrastination is often nucleated as the interaction of different psychological and social factors. Some major contributors include the following:

1. Lack of control and autonomy: The individual feeling no control over his or her life due to work, family, or social demands might utilize the late hours of the night to re-claim their autonomy by self-determination.

2. Burnout and stress: The pace of life in the modern world is relentless, while the degree of stress and burnout is high. Resultantly, most people yearn for this rare moment which may remain uninterrupted to relax their minds and wish to intend on doing something rewarding.

3. Digital Distractions: Since the invention of smartphones and the existence of social media—and other various online websites—it becomes hard for a person to disengage himself or herself and wind up, readying one for sleep.

     The result of revenge bedtime procrastination can be as serious as affecting physical and mental health.
 Continuous lack of sleep may cause a lot of problems, such as mental malfunction, reduced immunity, increased susceptibility to chronic diseases, and emotional disturbance. Besides, non-restorative sleep may further continue to contribute to feelings of burnout and hamper the ability to handle stress.

Understanding Revenge Bedtime Procrastination ADHD

     One of the very special forms of procrastination common in people with ADHD is revenge bedtime procrastination: Where they find it hard to stop their evening activities to start sleeping. This might manifest in the form of:

 Difficulty stopping stimulating activities: People with ADHD tend to get deeply involved with evening activities, be it surfing the Internet, gaming, or any other creative pursuit. The reward system of the brain is heavily stimulated, rendering a change of gears preparatory to sleep very challenging.

2. Evening restlessness and hyperactivity: The symptoms of ADHD—restlessness, impulsivity, and poor concentration—are greatly heightened in the evenings, which makes unwinding and setting the body into sleep mode very difficult.

3. Irregular bedtime routine: One of the common challenges among ADHD patients is establishing a regular bedtime habit; if it's erratic, then falling asleep easily becomes even more problematic.

Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

The Impact of Revenge Bedtime Procrastination ADHD

     People with ADHD might see big changes if they stop putting off bedtime. Key effects could be:

1. Disrupted Sleep Patterns: When a person keeps changing their time to sleep like going to bed late or not having a set time for sleep it can lead to not getting enough rest over time.
 This can make it harder for someone to pay attention or control their emotions and also make it tough to think clearly.

2. Daytime fatigue and decreased productivity: Feeling tired when the sun is up and finding work less appealing are signs that not getting enough sleep can lead to a hard time focusing and keeping up with everyday tasks and deadlines.

3. Increased Stress and Anxiety: Adding another layer to this harmful cycle lack of quality sleep and going to bed late have caused stress and anxiety levels to soar. This increase only makes things harder for individuals dealing with ADHD.

4. Negative impact on overall health and well-being: When a person does not get enough sleep over a long time it can really mess up their body and mind.
 This lack of sleep can lead to big health problems such as getting too heavy having heart issues and feeling really down. Going hand in hand with these sleep problems can pave the way for serious conditions including getting too fat heart troubles and deep sadness.

Strategies to Overcome Revenge Bedtime Procrastination ADHD

     Fortunately, several approaches would enable people having revenge bedtime procrastination ADHD and live much healthier lives with satisfactory night’s sleep. These strategies include:

1. Get into a nightly routine: Pamper yourself in a regular relaxing pre-sleep environment that will inculcate to the brain a sleep reminder.
 This could be as simple as having a warm bath or some light stretching or exercise such as Yoga and then having a book to read or meditation and mindfulness.

2. Avoid stimulating activities too close to bedtime: It is advisable to avoid engaging in any kind of humorous or mind-engaging activities such as; using social networks, playing games, or watching thrilling programs not less than an hour and two hours to your planned time of going to sleep respectively.
 However, one should avoid instances Therefore, opt for the calm ones.

3. Include some exercise: Another important benefit of keeping moving all the time; is that sleep during the night will be qualitative, and it will also be easy to fall asleep.
 However, do not exercise and or engage in any strenuous activity within close proximity of the sleeping hours.

4. Organize the day for ADHD management: To successfully attend to time, a good time manager minimizes distractions as well as encourages a regular performance of physical activities that are highly useful in preparing one with ADHD or equipping him/her to move to sleep at night.

5. Seek Professional help: If for instance you have worked through the whole list of the tips above and you still find yourself into reverse bedtime procrastinating, then you probably need to seek the assistance of a professional. See a doctor of this specialty or any other mental health provider managing clients with ADHD. They will explain how to adjust to the recommended planes according to the individual needs and, if required, question medication and another stimulus to enhance the quality of the night’s sleep.

Tips to Combat Revenge Bedtime Procrastination


     One of the typical problems that people diagnosed with ADHD face is revenge bedtime procrastination, but it can be overcome. It is important to know the trigger factors, adopt proper measures, and make use of expert advice whenever required to overcome the problem of delayed night rest among ADHD patients and, instead, build a suitable night’s sleep schedule. With better sleep and management of ADHD signs, people’s health and well-being, as well as functioning during waking hours, can be significantly enhanced and their quality of life significantly increased.