Sleep IQ: A Comprehensive Guide to Enhancing Your Sleep Quality

Written by: Angeline T.



Time to read 8 min

     Sleep is an integral part of human health and well-being, but for many different reasons, too many people fail to get the quality and quantity needed for the human body. The term /Sleep IQ/ has recently been developed to better understand and maximize sleep patterns for optimum health.

What is Sleep IQ?

     Quality sleep is central to our overall health and well-being, yet very few get the necessary rest. The list of factors that could ruin our sleep patterns is almost endless: from work-related stress to personal bad habits. But have you ever wondered how your sleep habits compare with others or if you are getting the most quality rest possible?

     That is where the Sleep IQ Test comes in. It was developed by sleep experts and researchers to give a unique insight into one's sleep health, complemented by personalized recommendations that will no doubt put you on the way to optimal sleep. You can learn more about your sleep patterns by simply answering a few questions related to your sleeping habits, lifestyle habits, and 
sleep environment.

     Sleep IQ refers to how much a person knows and handles their sleep. Sleep IQ comprises factors such as the following: 

1. Sleep knowledge: Do you know how many hours of sleep you need, what a sleep cycle consists of, and how it affects your physical and mental health?

2. Sleep behaviors: Do you go to bed regularly? Do you avoid watching TV, computers, or using caffeine before sleeping?
 Are you doing enough exercise?

3. Sleep monitoring: Do you monitor your quality and duration of sleep through wearable devices, smartphone applications, or sleep diaries?

4. Optimizing sleep: Do you modify your environment settings, schedule, and habits toward better sleep?

What is Sleep IQ?

The Sleep IQ Test

     The Sleep IQ Test will assess various aspects related to your sleep, including the following:

1. Quantity of sleep: The Sleep IQ test measures the hours spent in bed, as opposed to the recommended 7-9 hours a night for adults

2. Sleep efficacy: The Sleep IQ test asks if you can use this time in bed, or do you often lie awake for hours before falling asleep?

3. Quality of sleep: The Sleep IQ test asks, do you wake up refreshed after a good sound sleep, or do you get up still tired/groggy after getting enough hours of sleep?

4. Sleep Hygiene: The Sleep IQ test questions, Is your pre-bed routine optimal, and is your sleeping setup optimal for restful, quality sleeping—or are there ways you disturb your sleep?

5. Sleep disorders: The Sleep IQ test asks whether you have any symptoms, or is there anything in your case history that places you at risk for common sleep disorders like sleep apnea, insomnia, or restless leg syndrome?

     This is where the Sleep IQ Test comes in—to help answer these questions and give you a full picture of your sleep health, complete with a personalized sleep score. 

Benefits of Knowing your Sleep IQ

     The higher your Sleep IQ, the more controlled you will be when it comes to managing your sleep and reaping all of its many benefits. Adequate, high-quality sleep is tied to a host of positive outcomes, including improved cognitive functioning, improved memory, and focus; better regulation of emotions and reduced risk of mental health issues such as anxiety and depression; and a stronger immune system and reduced inflammation.

     Determining your Sleep IQ helps maintain a healthy weight and prevents the risks of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes. It also improves athletic performance and promotes healing. 

     Poor sleep, on the other hand, has injurious effects on physical and mental health.
 It has been associated with an increased risk due to potential accidents, bad decisions, and higher possibilities of contracting many health ailments.

     So, why not take the Sleep IQ Test today and unlock the secrets to your slumber? All you need is just a few minutes, and you will have real insight into your sleep habits. Then, you can start sending your body and mind the rejuvenating rest they deserve. Sweet dreams await!

     Take this Sleep IQ test taken from the National Institute of Health.

Sleep IQ Test

Answers to the Sleep IQ Test

      The following are the answers to the Sleep IQ test and the rationalization of your Sleep IQ: 


1 FALSE. Though a time when your body is at rest and is restoring its energy stores, sleep is an active state that plays a vital role in a way for you to remain physically and mentally. Restful sleep is as essential to your health as good nutrition and regular exercise. Similarly, no sleep or lack of restful sleep can have mental and physical health implications, including premature death.

2 TRUE. Most people fall asleep unintentionally at some time during the day, even if they get their usual nighttime sleep.
 This may be a symptom of a sleep disorder. About 40 million Americans have sleep disorders, which include sleep apnea, insomnia, narcolepsy, and restless legs syndrome. If you have a sleep disorder that is not treated, you may not be able to be as productive during the day. You are also more likely to have an accident, get sick, and even die earlier than you would otherwise. 

3. TRUE. Noisy snoring through the night and, to a large extent, sleepiness during the day are what characterize sleep apnea—one of the most common but serious sleep disorders.
 It is characterized by a long pause in breathing during sleep, succeeded by choking and desperate gasping for breath. People going through this condition of sleep apnea do not have adequate restful sleep, and quite often, their performance ability during the day gets terribly marred. Sleep apnea could be linked to hypertension, heart disease, heart attack, or stroke. However, it can be treated, and the sleep apnea patient can live an everyday life.

4 FALSE. Opening the car window or turning the radio up may arouse a drowsy driver briefly, but this will not keep that person alert behind the wheel.
 Even mild drowsiness is enough to reduce concentration and reaction time. The sleepy driver might fall asleep for just a few seconds, long enough to cause many accidents. It has been estimated that drowsy driving may be related to an average of 56,000 reported crashes every year — killing more than 1,500 people.

5 TRUE. Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder causing excessive drowsiness, sudden attacks of sleep, or falling asleep uncontrollably during daily activities. A person with narcolepsy unintentionally falls asleep, possibly even in the middle of a speech or in mid-conversation, no matter how much sleep they get before the occasion.
 Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by "sleep attacks," excessive daytime sleepiness, muscle weakness or paralysis, and disturbed nocturnal sleep. Although there is no known cure, medications and behavioral treatments can control symptoms, and people with narcolepsy can live everyday lives.

6 FALSE. Insomnia has many different causes, including physical and mental conditions and stress. Insomnia is the perception that you don't get enough sleep because you can't fall, stay, or get back to sleep once you've awakened during the night.
 It affects all age groups, usually for an occasional night or two but sometimes for weeks, months, or even years. Since insomnia can be a chronic problem, diagnosis and treatment would be very important if it persists for more than a month.

7 TRUE. Restless legs syndrome is a nervous system problem that causes tingling sensations in the legs and, in some cases, the arms after sitting or lying in a fixed position for some period, especially at bedtime.
 The individual with RLS has to keep stretching or moving the legs to try to get relief from these uncomfortable or painful symptoms. As a result, he or she has difficulty falling asleep and usually feels extraordinarily sleepy and unable to function fully during the day. Good sleep habits and medication can help the person with RLS.

8 FALSE. The human body's biological clock programs each person to feel sleepy during the nighttime hours and to be active during the daylight hours. People who work at night and sleep during the day are thus fighting their biological clocks all the time.
 That puts them in danger of making mistakes, having accidents at work, and sleeping poorly. Much the same happens to those who travel quickly through many time zones; they suffer from "jet lag" because they cannot maintain a regular sleep-wake routine. Sleeping less in a dark, quiet bedroom during the day and being exposed to enough bright light at the right time can help promote daytime alertness.

9 FALSE. We do not need less sleep as we age, but we often get less sleep.
 That is because our ability to sleep for long periods and to get into the deep, restful stages of sleep decreases with age. The sleep of older adults is lighter and easier to disturb. It can be disrupted by light, noise, and pain, all common in this age group. In addition, there are often medical conditions that cause sleep disorders in older people. Going to bed every night at the same time and sleeping, getting up at the same time every morning, being outside in natural outdoor daylight during the day, and going to bed at night in a cool, dark, quiet place could be helpful.

10 TRUE. Our biological clock programs our bodies to have two natural periods of sleepiness regardless of how much sleep we have gotten in the last 24 hours. The primary period goes from about midnight to 7:00 a.m. Another less intense phase occurs in the midafternoon from about 1:00 to 3:00. This alone means that we're more likely to nod off at the wheel around these times than in the evening — especially if we have not been getting enough sleep.

How to Improve your Sleep IQ

     Build your sleep IQ by learning more about sleep, monitoring your sleep patterns, and changing your lifestyle and the environment. These can include:

- Building your Sleep IQ means establishing an ongoing pattern for both sleep times and the pre-sleep routine
Building your Sleep IQ means creating a sleep-conducive environment: calm, dark, quiet
Building your Sleep IQ means avoiding screen time and blue light before bed
Building your Sleep IQ means getting some regular physical activity during the day
Building your Sleep IQ means practicing Stress management or relaxation techniques
- Building your Sleep IQ means using a tracker to monitor the quality and duration of your sleep.

      The better your sleep IQ, the better you will manage your sleep and derive some of the many benefits of sleep. A good sleeper's cognitive functioning is improved, enjoying both mental and physical health and a better quality of life.


     Ultimately, it means Sleep IQ—understanding the importance of sleep and actively managing one's sleep. By investing in sleep health, you will be able to reap a wealth of benefits that will positively affect all areas of your life.