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The Secrets of a Restful Sleep for the Stomach Sleeper

by Angeline T. 19 Jul 2024

    Sleeping positions make a big difference in overall health, comfort level, and sleep quality. Of these, stomach sleeping is quite common; however, it has always been referred to as the worst sleep position for health purposes. However, with the right approach and tools, a stomach sleeper could also get a good night's sleep. That is, this blog focuses on strategies and products designed to enhance the quality of sleep for a stomach sleeper so one can wake up refreshed and without pain.

Challenges Faced by a Stomach Sleeper

      Stomach sleeping is a preferred position for many but holds specific challenges that may affect health and sleep quality. Recognizing these challenges is the first step toward mitigating potential discomfort and ensuring a good night's rest for a stomach sleeper.

Pressure on Neck and Spine

     For a stomach sleeper, one of the major areas of concern is the unnecessary pressure it places on the neck and spine. This generally means tilting the head to the side to breathe, misaligned on the spine, and a strain on the neck over time. The unnatural twist puts continuous 
pressure on the neck resulting in soreness and discomfort. Furthermore, a stomach sleeper tends to increase the arch in the lower back, which stresses the spine. This can cause or exacerbate lower back pain, a common complaint for a long-term stomach sleeper.

Man with neck and spine pain

Difficulty Breathing

     A stomach sleeper may further strain breathing. The position can stress your lungs and diaphragm, resulting in labored breathing during sleep. Those superficial breaths 
reduce oxygen intake and can further deteriorate sleep quality. Moreover, sleeping on their stomach further worsens breathing for a stomach sleeper with respiratory problems, hence decreasing the quality of sleep, due to which the amount of rest reduces as a whole.

Difficulty breathing while sleeping

Tips for a Stomach Sleeper

       Recognizing a stomach sleeper has its own set of unique problems, the following are some good strategies to improve comfort and protect the spine.

Use Thin Pillows

     To put less stress on the neck and back, a stomach sleeper shouldduse a thin pillow, or no pillow at all. A thin pillow under the head can help keep the neck in a position closer to being aligned with the spine, thus eliminating this pronounced angle that can create pull on the neck muscles and ligaments. You should also try placing a flat pillow under your pelvis. This may help square your spine, reducing the unnatural curvature of the lower back that normally occurs when sleeping on one's stomach. Here are some additional guidelines for effectively using pillows:

- Pick a pillow of low loft or a pillow with adjustable filling to keep the head and neck as leveled as possible.

- Try materials that provide an adequate amount of support and comfort, but do not give your head a cradle.

- Use a soft pillow under the stomach or hips to help remove pressure from the lower back.

Choose a Hybrid Mattress

     A Stomach sleeper has to ensure they find the appropriate mattress for them. A 
hybrid mattress will provide a good middle ground between support and cushioning with its combination of memory foam, latex, or gel layers over an innerspring system. The firm supports from the springs prevent the pelvis from sagging too deep into the bed, therefore not throwing the spine out of balance, while allowing areas of the body to be cushioned and conformed to properly by the foam layers. 

Key benefits include:

• More support for your back for spinal alignment
• Cushing where needed—chest, hips, and stomach
• More comfort in general, which equals less turning and tossing. 

Hybrid Mattress for Stomach Sleeper

Get a Zero Gravity Mattress.

Zero gravity mattresses are designed based on the zero gravity position developed by NASA, placing the body in such a way that the weight is distributed, thereby relieving some of the pressure on the spine. In line with the natural curve of the body, the zero-gravity mattress can adjust stomach sleepers to customized support, greatly reducing pressure on the spine and neck. 

This results in:

-Less tension in the back and neck areas.

-Improved breathing by alleviating excessive pressure on the chest.

-Enhanced circulation and reduced heart strain from better body alignment.

Zero Gravity Mattress for All Types of Sleeping Position

     All this comes with advanced materials and technologies like multi-zone memory foam that further helps ensure better sleep quality by providing maximum comfort and support where it is needed the most. Couple these with good sleep hygiene—such as having a regular sleep schedule, not eating a heavy meal before sleeping, and not bringing electronics into the bedroom—to create the best possible sleep environment. Working on both defeating the challenges of stomach sleeping and creating an enabling environment to sleep, a stomach sleeper can hugely improve their sleep and health in general.

Creating a Comfortable Sleep Environment

      An excellent sleep environment is quite essential for a stomach sleeper to enhance the quality of sleep and, at large, health. There are many factors to consider to achieve this which ranges from the right mattress to the bedroom ambiance, which allows one to have a peaceful, calm environment. We must understand these elements to improve sleep and ensure a well-rested and peaceful slumber.

Importance of Choosing the Right Pillow

     The right choice of pillow is very essential to a stomach sleeper in maintaining proper spinal alignment and avoiding neck and back pain. Too thick or firm a pillow will raise the head excessively, placing pressure on the neck muscles. On the other hand, a very thin or soft pillow might not provide appropriate support. For a stomach sleeper, one needs a pillow that is flat and soft but firm enough to keep the head and neck in their natural place in a neutral position. The following are some things to consider when picking a pillow:

- Go for a memory foam or low-loft fiber pillow that will gently cradle your head.
- Try out some adjustable pillows where the filling is something you can adjust to your own comfort.
- Opt for stomach sleeper pillows that are especially designed based on the 
ergonomic specifications to provide support in maintaining the alignment of the spine.

Adjustable Pillow Height
ergonomic support pillow

7-Zone Ergonomic Support

     State-of-the-art mattress technologies, such as the 7-zone ergonomic support system, provide the body with the support required, which can be extremely useful for stomach sleepers. Typically, this type of mattress will vary in firmness across seven particular zones—from head to toe—to give optimum support where it is needed the most. Here are the benefits of using a 7-zone ergonomic support mattress:

- Provides extra support to crucial parts of the body, like the head, shoulders, lumbar region, hips, knees, and feet. It gets contoured according to the body shape.
- Helps weight distribution evenly to avoid pressure points, thus reducing chances of waking up with aches and pains.
- Serves to improve sleep quality by promoting better spinal alignment and comfort.

       This mattress can facilitate deeper sleep and greatly reduce the discomfort normally associated with sleeping on one's stomach.

7 zone ergonomic support

Proper Sleep Positioning

     Proper sleep positioning is essential for a stomach sleeper. Some of the common problems that a person may face in this regard are pain in the lower back and straining neck muscles. Even though sleeping on your stomach is generally discouraged because it may disturb spinal alignment, there are ways to make this position more comfortable and safer:

- Use a thin pillow or not use one at all to support your head and keep your neck angled naturally.
- Bring a full pillow under your pelvis to straighten your spine and relieve stress on your back.
- Rotate your head position regularly to avoid a stiff neck

Benefits of Improving Sleep Quality for a Stomach Sleeper

     It may be that a few advantages improved sleep has in store for a stomach sleeper are indeed tangibly realized in life. Good sleep results in better mood and more subtle improvements in cognition, including sharper memory and clearer thought. On the physical level, it may make a person less painful and uncomfortable, especially at the neck and back—areas most complained about by stomach sleepers. Adopt the best sleeping habits and change your type of mattress to wake up feeling refreshed and full of energy.

     It also enhances the immune system, enabling the body to easily fight infections. Uninterrupted deep sleep for a stomach sleeper might counteract some possible negative impacts of their favorite sleeping position in the long run. Most importantly, a full night's rest can help put one in good emotional standing due to stress and anxiety minimization, thereby setting the tone for the new day.

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